

1.12 Sensors for testing purchased

1.15 Project website launched

1.16 Started testing the gyroscope/accelerometer

1.17 Started working on the server software

1.18 Started working on the client software

1.24 Started working on the Bluetooth module

1.26 Started working on the GUI of the client software

1.27 Flex sensor could send data via Bluetooth to the client software

2.1 Ordered 4 more flex sensors

2.2 Draft code of GUI received

2.5 Working on how the information from sensors can be represented

2.7 Can send data from 5 flex sensors from Arduino via Bluetooth to client software

2.14 Working on using TensorFlow for machine learning

2.20 Models trained using machine learning now can identify several gestures with accuracy of 97%

2.24 Ordered 3 more flex sensors

2.26 Working on sewing sensors onto the gloves

3.4 Added the gyroscope for machine learning

3.5 Testing the battery unit and finishing sewing the sensors

3.6 Adjusting the maching learning model

3.7 Working on server software and web interface

3.8 Working on gestures with different directions but same hand shapes

3.9 Working on integrating all sub-units

3.12 Working on improving the accuracy of the response

3.15 Website GUI finished and deployed

3.16 Project finished


10.15 Started working on the proposal

10.22 Proposal finished

11.10 Started working on the Product Design Specification

11.24 Product Design Specification finished

12.2 Started working on the report

12.17 Report finished